Super Spyglass/Super Binoculars
- Shows all relevant stats of dinos.
- Displays how all of the dino's points (wild & tamed) have been spent.
- Increased range.
- Variable zoom using mousewheel / Controller: Right Trigger Zoom in and Right Shoulder Zoom Out.
- No overlay when zoomed in.
- Shows stats even if just holding it.
- Lock the stats to a certain dino by left-clicking (left click again to clear).
Custom Dino Levels
- All dino levels have an equal chance to spawn
- No longer are dino levels skewed towards lower levels on TheIsland
- Makes it easier to find that elusive 150!
Pelayori's Cryo Storage
- Adds the Cryopods and Cryofridge from ARK: Survival Evolved
- Dinos can be stored and deployed without having to be close to a Cryofridge
Crafting Skill Potion
- Adds a potion that resets your characters skill points and puts them all into crafting skill
- Potion lasts for 2min and will reset your skill points the way it was before consumption
- Engrams do not have to be learned again!
Solo Farm Mod
- Adds an item that makes farming as a solo player much more easy
- When using the consumable or the remote on a dino they will continously attack
- The dino can then be picked up by an argentavis
Electric Power Amplifier
- A small item that extends the range of your power generator
Pull It!
- Allows to pull ressources in the crafting inventories from nearby storage boxes
- Makes crafting recipes which require many items much easier
More Giga and Carchar Spawns
- Respawns Gigas and Carcharodontosaurus every 2 hours
- Allows for a total of 4 to be present instead of just 1
Better Breeding
- Massively reduce time required to breed dinos for stats
- Babies will always inherit the better stats of the parents
Lily's Reusables
- Makes Grappling Hook, Bola, Flare Gun, Spear (not pike!) and Parachute fully reusable
Better Dino Healing
- Adds 2 new items to heal 1% of your dinos HP
- Healing meat will heal carnivores, Healing Veggie Mix will heal herbivores
Better Feeding Troughs
- Adds 2 new feeding trough options for the basic feeding trough and tek trough
- Better troughs can be selected by switching to it when placing a regular trough
- The range of better troughs can be adjusted to 3x the size of vanilla troughs
Trait Upgrader
- Allows for traits found on wild creatures to be upgraded in the Trait Upgrader Structure
- Place 2 of the same trait to upgrade to the next higher tier
Where Are The Bodies
- Adds an entry to the player radial menu to highlight nearby corpses/death caches/dropped items
- The radial menu is accessed by holding the reload key
Better Torches
- Adds wall and standing torches that burn without fuel